Anti-Aging HGH and the Quest for Youth

Since the beginning of history, people have been searching for the potion that will give them eternal youth. The quest started hundreds of years ago and continues even to the present day. Millions of people have been searching for their own fountain of youth by applying therapies that promise to rejuvenate and extend life.  Such therapies include herbs, rituals and practices that have been used to treat diseases. As we age, we experience myriad symptoms such as tissue degeneration, loss of muscle mass, weight gain and lack of energy. Indeed, aging is associated with a number of health conditions, which people want to avoid.

Researchers said that people are not really programmed to die and that there are no death genes. Genes only function for growth, maintenance and repair. But why do we die? They cited that diet, smoking and lifestyle all contribute and speed up the aging process. Although these factors contribute to the development of certain condition at old age, these factors are not really the main cause of aging. Interestingly, researchers were able to point the role of hormones in the aging process. It was found that aging proceeds with the decline of important hormones. They cited human growth hormone (HGH) as the main player in the aging process. That is, as levels of HGH decline, we become more susceptible to age-related conditions.

 Why is Human Growth Hormone Important?
Human growth hormone circulates throughout the body at higher levels during childhood and adolescence. Though, it functions in mainly in promoting growth, this hormone is actually involved in many other vital processes. It is involved in protein formation, tissue repair and metabolism of fat. Since HGH helps burn calories efficiently, it helps boost our energy levels. However, the levels of HGH in our body do not remain the same. It keeps on dropping until we lost 75 percent of this hormone by age sixty. Scientists then believed that stimulating the production of this hormone can stop the aging process.

The anti-aging HGH effects have been put to test several times with fairly consistent results. Studies show the anti-aging benefits of HGH such as decreased body fat, increased muscle mass, increased energy and strength, and improved skin and cognition. Apparently, these studies suggest that supplementation with anti-aging HGH could reverse the aging process. The quest for the fountain of youth may not stop with the discovery of the anti-aging properties of HGH. But then, there is no other substance that has the same ability to stop the aging clock like what anti-aging HGH demonstrated.

Retain Your Youth with HGH
It has been confirmed several times that anti-aging HGH could treat the signs and symptoms to aging. Thus, supplementation with the hormone is the key to retain the youthful glow and vitality. Supplementation could be done safely by stimulating natural production of the hormone. An HGH spray, for example, is an anti-aging HGH product which works by providing the body with the ingredients required in the production of the hormone. These ingredients, which include amino acids, are utilized by the pituitary gland in producing the hormone at greater amounts.

Author : Roman Greller


Eli Whitney

A synergistic effect also has been shown between Arginine and Lysine.

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